
MEYER WERFT successfully certifies its quality management system

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015: simply more quality

Papenburg, 17 October 2016 – MEYER WERFT has successfully certified its quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. Two auditors (S. Hajek and H. Varelmann) from the certification society DQS confirmed conformity with the standard, after gaining a detailed insight into the shipyard’s quality-relevant processes together with the respective teams in an audit lasting several days.

The quality management standard DIN EN ISO 9001 is the most widespread and important standard in quality management (QM) nationally and internationally. In its current 2015 edition, it describes important bases for the shipyard to orient its processes in a future-proof manner. Certification and the associated regular monitoring by the certifying society thus secure and promote the continual further development of the shipyard’s processes.

“This certification underlines our claim to continually improve the quality of our processes and to have them regularly assessed externally,” says Managing Director Tim Meyer.

Frank Graichen, Managing Director of the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen (DQS), says: “I am pleased to be able to honour MEYER WERFT. The certificate shows the shipyard is among the best in the world.”

The certified quality management system assures MEYER WERFT’s partners a transparent and objective assessment of their services. Customers and partners of the shipyard can rely on an internationally proven and recognised process standard. The consistency and transparency of the processes, from order entry up to product documentation and quality controls, ensure a structured organisation and also improve the quality of the result. The certification of MEYER WERFT thus serves to secure the future of the Papenburg location.

Photo: from left – Thorsten Störig, Head of Department Quality Management Meyer Werft - Frank Graichen Managing Director DQS – Tim Meyer, Managing Director Meyer Werft –Lambert Kruse, Managing Director Meyer Werft


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