Once more a regular routine fire drill was held on a cruise ship under construction at the shipyard, involving Papenburg-Untenende and Papenburg-Obenende voluntary fire brigades, the Emergency Coordination Center of Emsland District, together with the company fire brigade and paramedics from MEYER WERFT. Altogether about 100 fire fighters were involved. These drills are of great importance for the shipyard and are held at regular intervals.
The scenario: Fire broke out in a cabin on deck 11 with thick smoke developing. The fire brigade searched the neighbouring cabins to see if anyone was missing. This entailed opening the cabins, searching them a thermal imaging camera and then marking them accordingly. It is very important for the cabins to be marked after being checked to inform following emergency teams so that no valuable time is lost during the rescue phase. As the 'incident' progressed, extensive heat radiation and dense smoke on decks 10 and 11 made it impossible for staff working here to leave these areas in safety. The emergency services used smoke hoods to rescue the employees from the danger zone.
Thomas Weigend (Managing Director), Martin Eggengoor (Head of Safety and Security Management) and Erik Feimann (commander of the company fire brigade) were well satisfied with the fire drill: "The focus of the drill was to find people who had become trapped in the danger zone. Similarly, the drill trained the procedures involved in fighting the fire, evacuating the ship, taking care of casualties and using the digital company radio network for communication. As in previous drills, here once more all the emergency forces worked together very well", said Martin Eggengoor.